About the Trust

Find out more about the trust.

Overview & Reports

Our Charitable status and annual reports.

Latest Projects

Projects funded by the Eifion Trust.


Kids having fun

The Eifion Trust - Projects


Sports Achievements

The Eifion Trust - Projects


Medical Checks for our Kids

The Eifion Trust - Projects


Our 2024 Cohort

The Eifion Trust - Projects

Celebrating the arrival of a few new children....

Helping Entrepreneurs Through Lend with Care Microfinancing

The Eifion Trust - Projects

Through the microfinancing platform Lend with Care, the Eifion Trust has enabled over eighteen-hundred entrepreneurs across the world grow their businesses from an idea into fully fledged enterprises. Individuals approaching...

Meko Maw’o Sand Dam

The Eifion Trust - Projects

Living in Machakos County is tough. The majority of the population are rural farmers living below the national poverty line. Climate change leads to frequent droughts and rainfall is erratic....

Rebuilding Shree Siksha Sadan Secondary School

The Eifion Trust - Projects

The Eifion Trust is providing funding to rebuild six classrooms for Shree Siksha Sadan Secondary School. Five hundred pupils attend the school from around the area and the existing buildings...

Blunlichok Community Hall Water & Sanitation

The Eifion Trust - Projects

The Trust is providing funding for water, sanitation and a communal toilet facility at the village community hall in Blunlichok, Nepal. The post earthquake rebuilding/restoration of community toilet at Bhumlichok...

Ambulance for Chatari Yuva Club

The Eifion Trust - Projects

The Eifion Trust is providing funding for an ambulance to be made available to the Chhathare Society in Nepal. This will enable the society to help the displaced population from...

Rebuilding Shree Janata Secondary School

The Eifion Trust - Projects

Nepal was struck by devastating earthquake measuring 7.9 on the richter scale AT 11.56AM on Saturday 25th of April 2015. The epicenter was at Gorkha District, 60 miles North West...