New Roof for Shree Jethi Kanya Primary School

Posted on 03-05-2014 , by: The Eifion Trust

The Eifion Trust is providing funding to replace the existing roof for the Shree Jethi Kanya Primary School as the roof is too old and leaking due to wear and tear. The school is struggling to keep all students under the roof and are vulnerable to extreme Monsoon rain and unbearable Summer heat.

The primary beneficiaries are 75 young pupils from the age of 5 – 12, from the locality. The school facility is also used during school holidays, for village gathering and for the village meetings when the weather is not in their favour. Shree Jethi Kanya school was established in 1983 and received Government approval in 1989. All students come from farming community with very low daily income. Four ladies and 2 gents are employed as teachers at the school.